I was coming home from a rave (on acid) and the cabby
was driving soooo fast. I was really high on acid and thought I was going to die. When I asked him to slow down, he sped
up. He was going 130 on the canal. I know this is true because the friend I was with was sober!!! (female-ON)
I know a woman who was badly verbally abused (sexist/racist
shit) by a Blueline driver, and who's told her story openly. (female-ON)
Wow! Crazy! I once was so drunk/puff
puff, the cabi asked to see my money cause he thought I was going to rip him off. Then as we drove from Downtown back to my
rez at Carleton down the Colonel by he told me how once he ran over a guy along the canal because he tried to jump on the
fair. He then procede to tell me that while driving cabs in Mexico City he use to carry a gun. Needless to say there was no
making out on this ride. (ON)
After having worked all day
(7-2) and then all evening (4-12) serving I was biking home on Elgin St. Next thing I know i am being floored by the door
of a cab. Back, passenger side, drunk boy, an accident. I hit my head hard and had a hard time dragging myself off the road.
The Blueline cabbie did not even stick around long enough to ask me if i was alright, or take me
to the hospital. Would have been really nice if i'd smashed my head open (I know, I know, I shoulda been wearing a helmet)
anyway, I was forgetting things and dropping stuff for the next week. What an inconsiderate ass. (female-ON)
2 other dykes and myself were
got into a Blueline taxi and headed downtown. Also kept calling my girlfried
'he'. I think just to amke it clear that he did not appreciate our obvious sexual identities. He had one of those big rear
view mirrors and he kept looking (down) at us. He started to drive really fast and as he was appraoching Elgin from Laurier,
where he should have turned left he was going to fast to make the turn and we alsmost ended up in the side of a wall. I then
asked him very seriously to "slow down". He laughed creepily, and refused. He eventully got us to our destination in a round-
about -way, with a more expensive fare than usual. My heart was racing, I was so glad to get out of the car.
Just the other day a friend of mine wanted to take a cab when I wanted to walk
(12 mins!) so I insisted we call Capital as I have had far fewer problems with them. We waited
and waited. I explained to her why I refused to call the more popular Cab company witha larger fleet. Reasons being
is that I am always (90%) verbally, sexually harassed by the drivers. The Capital cab did not come.
We went to wait on the corner where we could still see my place, a Blueline Cab went by, we hailed
it. Not even 30 seconds into the ride, the driver is asking What bar are you going to? Are you meeting your boyfriends?
What? You don't have boyfriends? What are pretty girls like you doing without boyfriends? and so on. Once again my point
was proven.
I find that cabbies that pick me up from outside the gay bar often want to
talk about sexuality. Now i could handle if someone just really needed someone to talk to, for reasons of coming out, or even
friendly curiosity, but when " How do I get a girl like that?" comes up, I feel uncomfotable. It is then between defending
my community and putting this guy in his plakce, or feeling safe. I hate it.
The other nite on my way home all was good. I was pleased that the cab driver
had not made me feel uncomfortable. Then as I was getting out he says "wanna spend the night?" ....fuck off....